The Cybersecurity Pulse™ Solution

The Solution

The Cybersecurity PulseTM solution delivers framework-based assessments with plain-English scoring guidance. Delivered through an intuitive interface and executive dashboard, the Pulse solution includes options for:

  • online training modules
  • phishing test campaign management
  • live webinar or in-person training

Using a framework-based assessment takes the guesswork out of evaluating or implementing an effective cybersecurity environment.  Our assessment provides non-IT executives and board members with a real-time view into the current cybersecurity status of their organization, and allows IT management to establish a roadmap for future improvements and related budget requests that is based on globally-accepted best practices.

What our Clients and Partners are saying about Cybersecurity Pulse™


“As an IT service provider, the Cybersecurity Pulse assessment gives me the comprehensive overview and communication tool I need to help my clients prioritize cybersecurity improvements for their stage and budget. The integration with online education, phishing and endpoint tools reduces the cost of compliance management, and the time it takes to prepare for each management update meeting.” -Jason, Senior IT Specialist, MSP

“There has been a lot of focus on cybersecurity and it was overwhelming trying to decide what initiative to focus on first. Running the Cybersecurity Pulse assessment was easy and comprehensive. Once we had completed our baseline assessment, it was obvious where we needed to focus our attention.” -Pauline, Director of Operations, Wealth Management

“As an IT service provider, the Cybersecurity Pulse assessment gives me the comprehensive overview and communication tool I need to help my clients prioritize cybersecurity improvements for their stage and budget. The integration with online education, phishing and endpoint tools reduces the cost of compliance management, and the time it takes to prepare for each management update meeting.” -Jason, Senior IT Specialist, MSP

“Jeff is highly knowledgable about cybersecurity and how it pertains to business owners and their employees. His presentations are educational and well put together. Jeff is able to engage the crowd so everyone learns something they can apply directly to their everyday behaviours in the workplace. The in-class education session definitely made our employees more cyber-aware and we are making changes right away to protect us and our data. We made notes on how to move forward and make additional changes in the future.” -Diane, Co-Founder & President, Recruitment

“There has been a lot of focus on cybersecurity and it was overwhleming trying to decide what initiative to focus on first. Running the Cybersecurity Pulse assessment was easy and comprehensive. Once we had completed our baseline assessment, it was obvious where we needed to focus our attention.” -Pauline, Director of Operations, Wealth Management


Solution Features Pulse Pulse+
Cybersecurity Pulse Assessments and Executive Dashboard
One-on-one administrator walk-through    
Dedicated onboarding support for three months    
Role-based deployment    
Plain-English scoring    
User-friendly executive dashboard    
Initial assessment results review 1 hour 2 hours
Annual education or prioritization session 1 hour 2 hours
– your choice of staff education, board education or prioritization session
Multiple frameworks per site    
Compliance evidence upload and management    
Cost per site (business unit) Contact for pricing Contact for pricing
Education and Phishing Campaign Management
Online educational videos    
Simulated phishing emails    
“Set and forget” education and phishing campaign administration    
Campaign results displayed on executive dashboard    
Cost per enrolled user1 Contact for pricing Contact for pricing
Additional Services
In Class Education/Webinar Custom pricing Custom pricing
Remediation consulting Custom pricing Custom pricing



  • User-friendly, role-based assessments with plain English scoring
  • Full results review and prioritization discussion with seasoned IT management and risk professionals
  • Easily understood, complete picture of your cybersecurity environment
  • Budget and stage-appropriate roadmap for improvements over time
  • Dynamic tracking of improvements over time


User error accounts for up to 90% of successful breaches. With computer-based training, you can significantly change the odds.  Ongoing user training ensures your clients are kept up to date on the latest methods of attack, so they stay on track and out of the headlines.  Succinct, easily consumed, interactive courses increase end users’ attentiveness, as well as the overall effectiveness of cybersecurity education programs.

Our education module lets you launch effective online education programs in minutes.




Launching realistic phishing simulations lets you accurately monitor real-world user responses, then direct awareness programs to users accordingly.

Our phishing module runs at a frequency you choose, with results available throughout each campaign.


In-Class Training

In-class education sessions are a great way to demonstrate company commitment to a culture of cybersecurity and to introduce the topic to resources across the organization.

Our instructors have several decades of training experience in the technology and governance areas, and bring both a level of subject-matter expertise and real-world experience to sessions designed to inform and educate across all levels and functions in the organization.